The United States is facing growing cyber and electronic warfare
threats, and the Department of Defense needs to develop a new optionality
strategy in order to regain its technical advantage over military adversaries. The
Center for a New American Security (CNAS) spent two years evaluating the
decline in U.S. military technical superiority and released its findings and
recommendations in "Future Foundry: A New Strategic Approach to
Military-Technical Advantage. The report echoes concerns raised by senior
officials in recent years that the U.S. has not kept pace with adversaries in
adopting and adapting new technologies to empower warfighters in increasingly
contested electronic domains.
The United States 2015 military budget was $601
billion. The
vast majority of the $601 billion will be funneled towards the military's base
budget, which includes funding for the procurement of military equipment and
the daily operations costs of US bases. Of the $496 billion base budget, the
vast majority of funding goes towards the cost of operating and maintaining the
military and the cost of paying and caring for military personnel. A further
$90.4 billion is set aside for the procurement of new weapons systems during
the 2015 fiscal year.
There are a number of reasons why the US may be losing its
military-technical advantage edge. First, the same tech that made America and
the West militarily dominant have proliferated to potential foes. In
particular, precision-guided missiles are widely and cheaply available. Second,
rather than investing in
the next generation of high-tech weapons to stay far ahead of military
competitors, the Pentagon has been focused more on the very different demands
of counter-insurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Third, the US
military has an extremely rigid culture. It is risk averse and set in its ways.
Getting career airmen and sailors to give up their toys isn’t the only cultural
challenge. America’s military establishment has shown little appetite for axing
much cherished “legacy programmes” to pay for the game-changing new stuff, such
as stealthy, long-range strike drones able to survive in the most contested
airspace. For example, the Pentagon has committed to buy 2,500 semi-stealthy
F-35 fighter jets even though their limited combat radius reduces their
usefulness in many war-fighting scenarios. Meanwhile the navy persists with 11 fabulously expensive but
increasingly vulnerable carriers when underwater vehicles both manned and
unmanned may be better equipped to tackle enemies with advanced area denial
Adversaries of the United States are spending significantly less
on their military however they are somehow catching up. The reason; technology.
China and Russia have focused a lot on the research and development of military
tech that will put them at the forefront of military rankings. China has
been busy developing asymmetric capabilities specifically designed to counter
America’s power in the West Pacific. For over two decades it’s been investing
double-digit defense budgets in an arsenal of highly accurate, submarines,
sophisticated integrated air defense systems (IADS) and advanced cyber
capabilities. All with the aim of making it too dangerous for American carriers
to operate close enough to fly their tactical aircraft or cruise missiles. The
Chinese call it “winning a local war in high-tech conditions”. The Russians also have an ability to think out of the box—for good and
bad. For example, the Shkval rocket-torpedo forms a bubble around itself, reducing
friction to travel at an amazing 230 mph under water – more than four times as
fast as any Western torpedo. The same work produced a unique underwater
assault rifle for Special Forces; US development in similar
"supercavitating" projectiles lags behind.
These days the scientific and technological developments that
will help sharpen America’s military edge, such as artificial intelligence for
unmanned systems, are as likely to come from the consumer tech companies in
Silicon Valley as the traditional defense industry. Just how these two very
different cultures will mesh creatively remains to be seen, however, the
relationship seems promising. "In addition to making sure
we're defeating today's enemies and deterring today's attacks, I also need to
make sure our department has the best tech in the future," said former
U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter
Lastly, the DoD must view military-technical challenges as a
strategic issue requiring fundamental change. The CNAS report states "Defining
military-technical superiority in terms of acquisition reform, process,
procedures, and organizational structure -- even though those are critical
elements for success -- undersells the importance of the challenge and may fail
to drive action at the highest decision-making levels."
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