This last Friday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced
the US intent to strengthen its missile defenses. This statement is in response
to North Korea’s ongoing provocations of an impending nuclear strike against
the US.
The Department of Defense (DoD) will add 14 new
anti-missile interceptors at For Greely, Alaska. This action moves the
deployment of a second missile-defense radar in Japan. All of these actions
contradict earlier decisions made by the Obama administration. DoD hopes these
implementations will strike down incoming missiles, in addition to the creation
of a site on the East Coast. The 14 anti-missile interceptors will cost
approximately $1 billion and will need congressional approval.
Sec. Hagel hopes these new interceptors will strengthen
defense and maintain the US commitment to regional allies and partners.
With all of this being said, North Korea continued to make
threats of a preemptive nuclear attack against the US. At the same time, the
United Nations (UN) is preparing new sanctions against North Korea due to the
February 12th nuclear test. It is important to note, nuclear experts
say North Korea is not a legitimate threat to the sovereignty of the US because
it still lacks the capability of connecting a nuclear weapon to an
intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).
The announcement and actions by the DoD are justifiable
because it is important to stay ahead of the threat from North Korea. Both the
December rocket launch and the nuclear test elevated the risk or potential
threat from a nuclear ICBM. Moreover, these actions should not be considered a
balance to the ICBM arsenals in China or Russia (or Iran), and the US should
clearly and diplomatically communicate with regional actors that these missile
defense systems are solely for threat from North Korea.

Overall, the implementation of these interceptors will
present a clear message to Kim Jung-un (leaders of North Korea) and should make
him think twice before continuing his current rhetoric and actions. The
missiles will impose real costs for North Korea if they every decide to utilize
their nuclear arsenal.
Even though the 14 interceptors fall short of the Bush
administration recommendations of 44 interceptors, the strategy is a step in
the right direction.
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