The South Sudanese government planned on being the first to
buy but complications ensued when the buyers refused to negotiate the contract with
anyone but Erik Prince. This alerted FSG that it might need to look more thoroughly
into Prince’s Thrush project. Interestingly, many of the altercations made to
the crop dusters violated American defense regulations along with Austrian export
laws. Several of those who outfitted the planes were unaware of the plane’s
destination, the work’s illegal nature, or that Prince was even their boss. The
former head of Blackwater kept his board of directors as much in the dark as
possible so that he could continue this project uninterrupted. Following the South
Sudanese debacle, Prince found a buyer in Central Asia, who his board rejected
out of hand. Ignoring their order, Prince planned to sell one of the Thrush
510Gs to Bulgaria who would then transfer it to the Central Asian client.
Once FSG discovered this subterfuge, the board of directors,
headed by retired Adm. William Fallon, banded together to strip Prince of any day-to-day
responsibilities he had over the company. However, backed by the Chinese
investors and his other friends on the board, Prince managed to maintain his
position in FSG.
The repercussions of this will be seen if Prince can
successfully generate and market these Thrush fighters. The American and
Austrian governments will legally fight the exportation of these machines, but
the Chinese provide a willing market for Prince to sell to. Developing
countries can then purchase the aircraft from the Asian powerhouse. This
reoutfitted Thrush gives struggling governments an upper hand against
insurgencies, perhaps instilling stability in the region but also maybe instating
dictators. The only certainty is that Erik Prince won this round and will last
to see another.
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