
Tuesday, May 03, 2016

DIP 750: Defense Statecraft
Final Exam
May 3, 2016
 Please answer one of the three following questions. Send your answer to Dr. Farley by 12:15pm.

  1.  The United States has decided to destroy ISIS primarily through airpower and the use of proxies. What are the advantages and drawbacks of this kind of strategic approach? 
  2. China continues to escalate tensions in the South China Sea. Describe the current military balance between China and the United States, and explain how it matters for events in the SCS. 
  3. Which of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Long Range Strike Bomber, and the CVN-78 (“Ford”) class aircraft carrier is most important to the future of American defense policy? Can the United States abide the failure of any of these programs?

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