
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hey, you can't give that to them

The US government is protesting the Spanish sale of military boats and planes to Venezuela. US opposition to the sale is based on the fact that the boats and planes contain US technology and parts. Venezuela argues that the acquisition is a means of modernizing the military and acquiring technology to use to combat drug trafficking. Acknowledging our opposition to the socialist Chavez and his questionable "democratic" practices and close ties to Castro, I question our right to become involved in the sale. If the United States chooses to refrain from selling weapons to Venezuela that is completely justified, however opposing the sale of these defensively armed ships by Spain seems a major overstepping of protection of our technology. We've discussed some of the concerns which are raised by our recent endeavors to develop military capabilities jointly with other states. The US has long been fearful of sharing technology and intelligence for exactly this reason, that it might end up in the hands of those with whom it would rather not cooperate. It is however a reality of the present day that the US cannot simply impose its will on other states, especially in the economic realm. In a globalized world we run the risk that our technology, including military tech, can be passed on to numerous states. There is no reasonable threat to the United States or the stability of the region by Venezuela possessing these ships and boats, especially considering that they are defensive in nature. Had these technologies been considered that important, arrangements would have been made with Spain to preclude them from being passed on to parties which the United States disapproved of. The reality is that this is yet another situation through which the United States is indicating its opposition to the Chavez regime in Venezuela. I doubt this is about technology, we're not talking about protecting the Manhattan Project here, its parts of planes and ships.

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