
Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Because I've received a lot of questions on the assignment, I will try to clarify.

What I'm looking for is a five page paper in general memo format. The paper should present a policy problem associated with the readings for the week in question. In addition to presenting a problem, the paper should posit at least two options for dealing with the problem, and conclude by advocating one.

This is a lot to do in five pages, so brevity and economy of language are virtues. I have no specific format requirements, so you should proceed with whatever format you are most comfortable with. The use of outside resources and citation will likely strengthen your paper, but is not required. It is up to you to determine how most effectively to marshal and use evidence in support of argument.

If you can get the paper to me more than a day in advance, I would be happy to take a look at it and note any major problems. I won't grade a draft, but I will tell you if I think there's anything seriously wrong with it that needs to be fixed.

I expect, of course, a strict adherence to rules of grammar, spelling, and professional forms of writing. While I strongly prefer a hard copy, I'll accept an electronic copy if no alternative exists. You are free to turn in the paper for this Thursday (9/15) electronically if you wish. I expect turn-around time on the papers to be one week.

If there are any questions, let me know.

Finally, as a reminder, we're having class today in the Van Room from 4:30-6:00.

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