
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Blogging Basics

In order to raise our collective blogging skills, allow me to offer a few links and hints on blogging.

1. Posting Links: Click Here to learn how. If you use just about any browser except Safari, you should have shortcut keys that allow you to do it for writing posts, but you will still need to use HTML if you want to post links in your comments. Blogging is a link intense environment. If you cite someone else, you should always post a link to them. For any other HTML questions you might have, see here

2. New Post or Comment: Sometimes it is hard to decide if you want to start a new post or reply in the comments section of an old one. As a rule of thumb, if you are replying directly to a previous post then post in the comments section. If you are starting a new topic, going in a new direction, or even if the old topic has just progressed too far down the page because of newer posts, then it makes sense to start a new post.

3. Quotations: When you quote more than a line of text from someone else, you can use blockquotes instead of quotation marks. This offsets the text and helps your reader differentiate what you wrote versus your quote (when you skim an article you might miss the quotation marks). Learn how to use blockquotes here.

I'm not saying this to be critical of anyone... by all means keep the posts coming. I'm just trying to offer some hints for a better blogging experience.

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